Thursday, October 29, 2015

Amazing Benefits Of Fennel Seeds For Skin, Hair & Health


Fennel is an aromatic herb belonging to the parsley family. It is used as a spice and possesses a sweet taste that is similar to anise. It is an essential ingredient in the Mediterranean cuisine. It is native to the South European region but is consumed well in all of the European regions. It is a two meter plant with dark green leaves and yellow flowers. Fennel seeds are generally eaten for the taste but also very healthy owing to the nutrition value attached to it. Fennel bulb is also eaten as a vegetable in some parts of the Mediterranean region.

Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds:


1. Strength:

Fennel is a symbol of strength and longevity. It was also believed by ancient Greeks to increase one’s courage.


2. Antioxidants:

Apart from being used for adding flavor, it is also used for various health benefits that are derived from its anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants are essential to curb unwanted free radical reactions in the body. This phenomenon also prevents many diseases that can get serious at a later stage. Some of the anti-oxidants listed in these seeds are kaemoferol and quercetin that are known to prevent degenerative reactions.


3. Dietary fibres:

Fennel seeds contain a good amount of dietary fibre that is essential for the body. The fibre content helps improve digestion in the body, by facilitating timely breaking down of food molecules that make energy reactions possible.


4. Cancer:

The carcinogenic diseases should be treated at the right stage so that their effect can be curbed or eliminated in the future. This is made possible by the anti-oxidant capabilities of the fennel seeds.


5. Neurological diseases prevention:

Another effect of prevention of free radical reactions by fennel seeds – Neurological diseases are helpfully kept at bay.


6. Cholesterol absorption:

Cholesterol absorption in the arteries is prevented by the action of the fibre binding to the bile salts. Fibre present in fennel seeds decreases reabsorption of cholesterol thereby preventing any heart related diseases.


7. Oil compounds:

A number of volatile oil compounds like myrcene, fenchone, chavicol, cineole are present in these seeds that assist in digestive, carminative and anti-oxidant reactions in the body.


8. Red blood cells:

Production of Red Blood Cells is enhanced by the consumption of Fennel Seeds. Copper, which is required by the body for the production of red blood cells, is present in these seeds.


9. Growth and development:

The growth and development of the body is geared-up. Zinc, found in the fennel seeds, promotes regular growth and development.


10. Heart rate and blood pressure:

These days, when people face tensions in their day to day lives, it is very important to maintain the blood pressure and keep the heart rate balanced. Fennel Seeds help a lot in this process. The potassium content helps in maintaining the blood pressure and hence the heart rate is also maintained.


Beauty Benefits of Fennel Seeds:

We all want to have healthy skin and hair but the mere thought of money and time involved in a beauty regime is enough to put us off. But what if I told you that you can stay beautiful with the help of a tiny thing called the fennel seed?
Fennel seeds not only impart a special flavor to those gastronomic delights brewing in your kitchen, but can also be utilized for achieving a flawless skin and healthy hair. Yes, you got that right! Fennel seeds can be beneficial for your skin and hair. Fennel seeds are inexpensive and readily available. Loaded with minerals like iron, copper, selenium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and even vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin E, fennel seeds are also known to be a rich store house of dietary fibres, active compounds and antioxidants.

Benefits of Fennel Seeds for Skin:


Fennel seeds offer amazing effects for the skin. Not only fennel seeds are antiseptic by nature, but also are loaded with antioxidants. As a result, they help prevent acne, cell damage, while keeping the skin toned. Using fennel seeds as a part of your skin care will help you delay the onset of lines, dark spots and wrinkles.
When you consume fennel seeds in one form or the other, you get glowing and flawless skin in return. Wondering about the skin care benefits of consuming fennel seeds? Here are the most amazing beauty benefits of fennel:
  1. When consumed, fennel imparts a cooling effect to the skin. It soothes inflammation and skin irritation.
  2. Fennel tea, when consumed on a daily basis, helps in improving the overall texture of the skin. It treats acne and makes your skin look youthful. While there is always an easier option of buying good quality readymade fennel tea, it is equally effective if you can make your own fennel tea by combining crushed fennel seeds and boiling water.
  3. Loaded with anti-oxidant properties, it is useful in fighting the signs of aging.
  4. Fennel seeds, when consumed daily, provide the body with minerals like iron, zinc, selenium and calcium. These minerals are effective in maintaining the oxygen balance, thus imparting healthy skin.
  5. Fennel seeds serve your skin by providing various vitamins, which in turn provides younger looking skin.
So, whether you consume it in the form of herbal tea or as a mouth-freshener after usual meals, ensure that you include a considerable portion of fennel seeds in your regular diet. Alternately, you may use fennels while garnishing some of your favourite salad recipes.

How to Use Fennel Seeds for Skin?

Known for its therapeutic and healing properties, fennel seed has a wide application in the beauty industry. You can use it easily at home to treat your skin conditions in the following ways:
Fennel Seed Skin Toner:
Take a handful of fennel seeds and add it to boiling water. The solution should be allowed to cool down. Then, add a few drops of fennel essential oil to the mixture. Filter it. Dab it on your face with the help of cotton balls as many times as you can throughout the day. Your skin feels thoroughly refreshed.
Fennel Seed Steam Facial:
Add 1 spoon of fennel seeds to one liter of boiling water. Lean over it and cover your head and neck with a towel for 5 minutes. Let your facial skin benefit from the fennel steam to make it look clean and radiant. This can be done twice a week to clean the pores and make your skin glow.
Fennel Seed Face Mask:
Prepare fennel seed infusion by adding a spoon of fennel seeds to half a cup of boiling water. Wait for 30 minutes and add the solution to a spoon of oatmeal and spoon of honey. Make a smooth batter and apply it on your face. Leave it on for 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.


Benefits of Fennel Seeds for Hair:

Some of the best known benefits that you expect your hair to reap from fennel seeds are as follows:
  1. Treat dandruff
  2. Treat itchiness and bumps on the scalp
  3. Prevent hair breakage
  4. Treat shedding of hair strands


Fennel Seed Tea:

The best and the easiest way to use fennel seeds for hair care is by preparing fennel tea. Check out the easy step-by-step procedure to prepare fennel tea:
  1. Pound 3 spoons of fennel seeds, preferably by using the mortar and pestle. Alternately, you may choose to invest in readymade fennel seed powder.
  2. Boil 2 cups of water and add it to the powdered seeds.
  3. Leave it undisturbed for about 15 minutes.
  4. Use it as a last rinse after you have shampooed and conditioned your hair.

Fennel Seed-Vinegar Solution:

You may also use apple cider vinegar and glycerin along with fennel seeds to prepare a solution to treat itchy and dry scalp. Try to prepare fennel seed-vinegar tonic by following the simple procedure given below:
  1. Boil 1 cup of water.
  2. Pour it over a spoon of crushed fennel seeds placed in a small bowl.
  3. Wait for half-an-hour.
  4. After that, add a spoon of vegetable glycerin and apple cider vinegar.
  5. Now the solution is to be filtered. You may use cheesecloth for the purpose.
  6. Use it on your hair and scalp. Massage it in and wait for some time. Rinse it off.
  7. The best part is that this tonic can even be stored in a glass container for weeks.
Try these simple beauty recipes and trust me, your skin will thank you for these pampering homemade treatments.

A Word of Caution:

No matter how natural a thing is, caution is a must when it comes to anything you use on your body. You must avoid using fennel seeds as a part of your beauty regime in case you are allergic to fennel seeds. Moreover, you must consult your doctor before you consume fennel seeds if you are pregnant, a breast-feeding mother or if you are suffering from hormone-sensitive conditions.
Taking care of your skin and hair is not as difficult as you think! With a few kitchen ingredients you can pamper your body and let its beauty shine through. So, don’t keep your body starved for the pampering it deserves! Try fennel seeds and stay beautiful!

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