Thursday, January 28, 2016

How to Improve Skin Texture for Face and body at home

how to improve skin texture naturally

You dry rough skin or skin has that some evenness, can make you when you look in the mirror. Our skin is the largest organ of our body which needs care and attention. We can still give proper attention to the face but when it comes to body skin most of us will ignore that. All this can cause the skin texture to get rough, dry, flaky, dull etc. Premature aging or skin can also creep up in the form of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Sun is also to be blamed for damaged skin texture. So what can be done to naturally improve skin texture. Yes, you can improve the skin texture in a natural manner without using expensive products. Home remedies which use natural ingredients are best to get a smooth and even textured skin. So let’s have a look at the remedies and some beauty tips.

How to Improve Skin Texture of the Face at home




Sunscreen should be used regularly when you go in the sun or even sun bath during winters. While you are relaxing on a beach or near the pool side, sunscreen should always be applied. Sunscreen will make a shield on the skin which prevents the damage of the skin, dryness, dullness and sagging of skin.

Exfoliation to improve the texture of skin


Proper exfoliation is crucial to keep the skin’s natural texture smoother and shinier. The dead skin cells make cause the dry skin to look dull and flaky while when you have oily skin, this dead skin may lead to the whiteheads, blackheads, acne problems which will make the skin look blemished. Therefore exfoliation is important. Here are 2 recipes to exfoliate the face to improve skin texture drastically.

Dry skin scrub:
Take 1 teaspoonful of oatmeal and mix 2 teaspoonful of honey in that.
Add ½ teaspoonful of sugar also. Leave this aside for 5 minutes.
Then mix all the ingredients well and apply on the face.
Gently scrub your face to exfoliate the dead skin cells this s idea; for dry and sensitive skin.
This homemade scrub is suitable to improve the skin texture when this is tried 2 times in a week.

Oily skin scrub:
Take 2 teaspoonful of honey and 1 teaspoonful of sugar.
Add ½ teaspoonfuls of lemon juice also. Mix all of them and use that to scrub the face. Keep scrubbing for 5-7 minutes.
Then wash the face with cold water. This can be tried in 3 times a week for oily skin to improvise facial skin texture at home.

Face masks to improve the skin texture


To keep the skin’s elasticity in good state or to restore the moisture in the skin. Facial packs and masks are extremely useful. You can try face mask every week to get good results in improving the facial skin texture.


Tomato Mask:
Mix 2 teaspoonful of tomato juice with 1 teaspoonful of honey.
Apply this on the face like a lotion and massage for 5 minutes.
Massaging will make the ingredients get inside the skin better.
Then leave this for 15 minutes. Rinse your face with tepid water.
This can be tried by all the skin type including the sensitive skin for an improved skin texture and glow.

Gram flour face mask:
Another good mask to greatly improvise the appearance of skin texture is made with gram flour.
In a small bowl, mix 2 teaspoonful of gram flour, mix that with some milk.
Adjust the quantity of the milk in a way that you get paste of gram flour.
Apply this evenly all over the face and on the neck as well. Leave this for 20 minutes.
Then wash the face. This should be done 2 times in a week.

Egg facial mask:
Take an egg and break it in a bowl. Using a spoon scoop some of the egg white.
Take that egg white in a separate bowl. In that egg white, you need to ½ teaspoonful of gram flour.
Mix this well. The egg white is slippery therefore make sure to mix this well with the spoon.
Then apply this facial mask on the face. Allow this to get dry completely. Then wash the face with cold water.
This facial mask with egg white is beneficial in tightening the skin and skin pores.
People with oily skin can find this helpful in getting rid of the stubborn blackheads. This is ideal for improving skin texture when tried 2 times in a week.

Skin care routine to improve facial skin texture


Other thing to consider while you are trying to improve the appearance of you skin’s texture is the proper skin care routine. You should follow a suitable skin care routine as per the skin type so that the skin stay in good condition and youthful. When we take adequate and correct care then skin also behaves positively and remains blemish free and problem free.

how to improve skin texture naturally skin care routine

Skin care routine for oily/combination skin for better skin texture


You should try and use a skin cleanser which has contents like salicylic acid, tea tree oil, neem, holy basil etc. These ingredients are anti bacterial and will prevent these skin from acne.
 After the cleanser, use a toner which is alcohol free and should take off the excess oils which are left after the facial cleansing. This also tightens the skin pores.
Apply a moisturizer which is light and oil free. Oil free moisturisers will not block the skin pores. Use sunscreen when you go out in the sun so that the skin is protected against the sun damage. Repeat the same step in the evening time as well without the sunscreen. This should be the daily skin care routine to improve the skin texture eventually. Apply a night cream or anti aging cream if you are over 25. Anti aging creams will help in delaying the signs of aging.
Exfoliate your skin 2-3 times in a week and apply face packs also 2 times in a week, the face packs and face scrubs can be your choice like whether you use homemade or the store bought.

Skin care routine for dry to normal skin to improve skin texture


For dry to normal skin you must try a facial cleanser which is creamy and hydrating in nature. Using wrong face wash can disrupt the pH balance and the skin gets dry and even rough which will damage the texture of the skin.
After using a face wash, apply a facial toner and use a cream which is hydrating. Sunscreen is important for everyone so, for dry skin too using appropriate sunscreen is important.
At night, while you go to sleep, use a moisturizing and thick night cream which gives dry skin moisture and replenishes the lost moisture at night.
Exfoliate the dry to normal skin once in a week and apply face masks 2 times in a week. Make sure that the face mask you use are moisturizing. Face mask that has fuller’s earth, clay etc can be drying for dry skin thus choose the face packs/mask wisely to keep the skin’s texture smoother and glowing.

Home remedies to improve skin texture


Here are some easy home remedies to further give helpful results in enhancing and improving the skin texture.

how to improve skin texture naturally tips 

  1. Apply lemon juice at night mixed with some rose water if the skin has marks and feels tough. Wash the face in the morning.
  2. Mash a small piece of banana and add ½ teaspoonful of honey in it. Mix them well. Apply on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Wash the face with normal water. This is good for replenishing the dry texture of the skin.
  3. Apply a mixture of honey with lemon juice daily for 10 minutes. Then wash the face with plain water this is ideal for people with oily skin who face breakouts and the marks left by these cane. These quick treatments will make the texture of the facial skin smoother and marks free.
  4. Mash a small piece of papaya and mix that with some lemon juice use this mixture on your face and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse the face with cold water. This too can be tried by all skin type for smoother texture.
  5. If the skin is very dry and you feel the skin texture seems rough then this can be treated with the help of milk cream. Take some milk cream and apply on the face before going to sleep. Milk has fatty acids which heals the flakiness sand roughness. Within a week you can accept a youthful texture with less fine lines.


Diet to enhance and improve skin texture naturally


Apart from applying these remedies, tips and precautions it will be extremely helpful if you take a look at the diet. At times we spend time on applying the skin care products and treatments but completely forget to take good diet. Therefore these diet tips will help you to greatly improvise the skin texture.

good diet 

  • Say no to junk food, this is one of them most useful advise that anyone can give you, eating junk food can take a toll on the health, skin and hair. So, if you wish to keep the skin texture healthy and softer, then cut down the junk food that you eat.
  • Omega 3 fatty acids should be there in your diet. These healthy fatty acids will facilitate the skin renewal and rejuvenation. This also helps to promote the production of collagen and elastin that gives elasticity to the skin. Due to these the skin stays younger looking. You will also notice a healthy glow on the face. Food item walnut, salmon, cod liver oil, flaxseeds etc are good source of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Drink 7-8 glasses of water. Water is beneficial in flushing the harmful toxic out of the body. This will not only make the body healthy but your skin will also glow. The extremely oily skin can be dealt well by drinking adequate water during the day.
  • Take good sleep for at least 7-8 hours. While we sleep our skin and body heals and rejuvenates itself therefore a good sleep is important when you wish to improve the skin texture.

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